Saturday, 3 May 2014

Painted Module

I ummed and ahhed, and researched and read a lot about painting the background. In the end I decided to go with a simple light blue with wisps of white, representing clouds. Long term I may continue to add to the background with photo images and building flats, but for now I am quite happy with the way it came out. I'm a big believer in less is more, and I don't really want people to be looking at the background scenery anyway, so low key and believable is what I want.

The baseboards received a coat of flat light brown latex paint, eventually it will be hidden under ground cover, and whatever else gets plonked down, so won't matter too much. I will use the same brown to make a wash with for use later on.

I gave the benchwork a coat of black semi gloss latex paint, mainly because I wanted to really frame the two levels, and I think it is very effective. I've seen greens and browns used, but for me black, really draws the eye into where the action is happening. Once flouro lights are installed above the levels I think it will look really dramatic!

One thing I will, the price of paint! So to keep the cost down, I scrounged old leftover paint (thankgod for people who paint their kitchens sky blue...yes, you know who you are!) and purchased test pots, which is a much more cost effective option.

Painted module.

I may not post much over the next few weeks as I will be building the second module, and this will largely be a duplicate of what I have already written. Winter is on the way, so it will be a mad rush to get done so I can spend the cooler months inside.

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