Monday, 12 June 2017

Eastdown Terminal Facilities

The last month or so has seen me pre-occupied with getting settled in the new house, but it has also seen me dive back into the Southern And Central with a vengeance. The below picture shows most of track down along with the Peco turntable well in position. Electrical will be next....ugh, my pet hate...again.

After being put back together and tested, module 1 was joined to the empty module 2 which then became the Eastdown Terminal Facilities.

While scaled back from my original design, there is still enough room for a smallish turntable, 3 bay roundhouse and engine maintenance building. I will try and squeeze a bit more in if I can, but for now that will be plenty. The turntable has been weathered, and almost completed (I haven't fitted it properly, nor motorised it yet). My next post will cover this in more detail.