Sunday, 31 August 2014

Completed Benchwork

After many weeks of bashing about in my garage, I can finally sit back and go ...phew!

All the benchwork for the Southern and Central (excluding the helix, which will be a project for next year) is now completed. Over the last couple of weeks I completed the 3rd module, which will model a fairly deep ravine and mountain side in the lower module and a bay in the upper module. 

Probably the biggest challenge was to get these modules to marry up, but with a bit of huffing and puffing they do, and pretty much perfectly, although I am not completely happy with the height of the upper valance, so in time I will add a wider valance.

The other issue I had to deal with was gradients. Because I wanted to get the lower deck main line as high as possible before reaching the helix module, thus eliminating some of the helix work, I used a gradient of about 3%, which isn't particularly high, but I didn't dare go any steeper than that. The branch line in the upper module has a gradient of about 4.5%, way too steep for any serious train lengths, but since it's a branch line I figured it would be ok. I plan for that line to connect to a coal mine or quarry.

While the plan is to now install these in the spare bedroom, I think before that I will start running the wiring beneath the layout, just because of the ease of access. I will be installing an NCE DCC system, so it's just a matter of running the bus wires underneath and adding suitable plugs and sockets between module. My next update will document how I've done that and hopefully will show the modules installed in my "train room"!